EFT Tapping to reveal the Heart of the Issue

In my last post I wrote about relationships and I provided a technique and example of how to get to the heart of an issue before you even start tapping.  By getting to the heart of an issue first, you ensure that you deal with the issue head on instead of dancing around the issue by way of tapping on the evidence instead of the heart (check out my previous post to see what I mean here).

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 
However, sometimes you may be very emotionally charged and thinking rationally to work your way to the heart of the issue may be a bit difficult.  In this blog post I will demonstrate an example of how you may unravel the issue in order to get to the heart-of-the-issue whilst tapping.  Tapping will relax your nervous system so that you are able to peel away the layers of the onion (issue) in order to get to the heart-of-the-issue (belief) easier.  

This technique will flow in 2 ways:

  • Finding the root cause (heart-of-the-issue) which will be the basis of this blog post;
  • Tapping on the heart-of-the-issue (which will continue in the next post).


Getting to the Heart-of-the-Issue

In my last post I used the example of a couple fighting about the dishes not being done.  We worked our way through peeling the layers of the onion by way of asking questions to reveal the heart-of-the-issue which was 'not feeling good enough'.  Below I will use a different example for the purpose of showing how things that bother us or cause issues in our relationships seem completely autonomous and yet have the same root cause.  By demonstrating this, I hope to shed light on the importance of working on root causes as it heals from the root up to the surface. 

Working on surface level problems are great for beginners to EFT and while you learn the techniques.  However, when the time comes and you become more practiced, we need to employ more advanced healing techniques and allow ourselves the opportunity to truly heal from the core.  This core work allows for radical movement and change in energy.  Some will experience this change very quickly but for most of us it will take some work, dedication and time especially where trauma is concerned and long standing beliefs such as core beliefs picked up during early childhood. 

I always advise to feel your perimeters though so if you feel uncomfortable in any way of what may be revealed when digging deep or when you work on trauma, please consult a professional such as an EFT Practitioner, Counselor, Psychologist.  A professional person that can hold a safe space for you while you work through uncomfortable, painful and often scary feelings, memories, revelations and emotions that may come up.

Image by chezbeate from Pixabay 
For this example, let's imagine you had a disagreement about shoes.  Your partner went out to buy new shoes for him/herself and they are massively expensive compared to the shoes you tend to buy for yourself that would be deemed cheap.  For ease of example let's say you are a woman and your partner is a man.

Tap on the KC Point and make 3 statements about this surface issue

Even though he spends so much on shoes, I love and accept myself completely;

Even though I can never buy the shoes a really want as it's just not in my budget, I accept that there is an issue here and I appreciate my emotional guidance system for bringing this feeling to my attention;

Even though it really bothers me that he has to always get the best things for himself while I go without, I know there is more to the story and I accept myself completely.

Tap on each point in the tapping sequence and make a statement of the issue

Tap on TOH and say:  I feel so annoyed that he doesn't feel he needs to be frugal;

Tap on EB and say:  He always buys whatever he likes that makes him feel good and that is great as I want him to feel good;

Tap on SE and say:  But I also want to be able to go into a store and buy what makes my heart sing instead of always going for the cheapest option or going without;

Tap on UE and say:  It irritates me that he feels that he deserves to have nice things;

Tap on UN and say:  I hate that I feel like that, it makes me feel like a bad person that I don't want him to have nice things;

Tap on Ch and say:  I think I want him to be on my level, am I trying to pull him down;

Tap on CB and say:  He feels like he deserves to have nice things, I also want to feel like that;

Tap on UA and say:  Why do I feel like I don't deserve nice things?

Tap on TOH and say:  Why don't I deserve nice things?

Tap on EB and say:  I work hard...?!

Tap on SE and say:  I am a good person most of the time...?!

Tap on UE and say:  What is it about me that don't deserve nice things?

Tap on UN and say:  What makes me feel like I am not deserving?

Tap on Ch and say:  What makes someone deserving?

Tap on CB and say:  Someone is deserving if they are good enough;

Tap on UA and say:  I don't feel deserving as I'm not good enough.

The heart of the issue:   The belief that I am NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

The example above is a simplified example and you may need to work through many more rounds of tapping before you get to the root cause that is the driving force for this and many other of the surface problems you face in your life.  

Go at your own pace and cut yourself some slack.  It takes practice and courage to go deep within to look for answers.  Often the answers are uncomfortable.  Just be patient with yourself and try to allow some new ideas and thoughts to come into your mind.  When they do, play around with them for a little while and break them down even when they seem completely irrelevant at the time.  These little ideas and thoughts that spring to mind while tapping are vital information that can help you reveal the true nature of the problem.

Remember, when you have found the root cause of your issue then it is time to start tapping on that core belief (demonstration in my next blog post).  But wait a minute...there is an extra little tip in my next blog post that will really super charge your tapping experience!  Ensure you don't miss it, subscribe!

Want to learn Emotional Freedom Techniques?

If you are unfamiliar with EFT and would like to learn tapping for yourself, try my free online course MeTap - FastTrack Course to Living your Best Life with EFT.

Alternatively, learn more advanced or specialized EFT skills by checking out the below courses:

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