EFT Tapping Script for Self Love

February is the month of love so what a great time to embark on a journey of self-love.  We all have things we dislike about ourselves and for some these dislikes become a big barrier to living a full life.  Maybe you want to be thinner, richer, smarter, happier, kinder, stronger, more confident.  This EFT Tapping Script will help you step out of lack and focus on the negative aspects of you and move towards the parts of you that make you, wonderful.

EFT Tapping for Self Love

Complete this sentence:  

I love myself but...

Whatever you put after this statement is something that needs to be worked on in order to get closer to loving yourself authentically.

Now decide how this statement makes you feel.  The feeling is important in EFT as we want to reduce or remove the emotional reaction or connection you have with the statement.  For example, you may have said 'I love myself but I am too big', how does it make you feel being too big?  Maybe you feel ashamed or frustrated.  Another example could be 'I love myself but I feel like a failure', here you might want to ask what failure feels like and find the feeling that best describes what you feel like despair, shame, frustration.

Take a measurement of how deeply this feeling is affecting you on a scale from zero to 10 (10 being the most discomfort felt).  It is important to take a measurement so that you can better measure your journey down the scale as you tap.

Tap on the Karate Chop Point and say:

Even though I dislike a part of me and it makes me feel ____________ (add feeling), I honor where I am in my journey and I accept myself completely;

Even though I feel _________________ (add feeling) when ___________________ (add situation or element you dislike), I love and accept myself completely;

Even though this feeling of _________ (add feeling) is playing out in my life in ways that I don't always recognize and I am ready to let this go, I honor my journey and love myself.

Tap on each Acupoint from Top of Head to Underarm.

Make a statement about your feeling and the part of you that you dislike.  Make sure your statements are authentic to what you are actually feeling and where you are right now.  

If your measurement is around the 8 - 10 mark then you are likely to have authentic statements are and feel very negative and heavy.  If your measurement is about 1 - 3 then your statements might vary from negative to positive.  The point is, don't force statements that aren't true for you right now, it is like saying to yourself 'I am happy' when you feel angry or sad.  Your journey needs to start where you are with your feeling and work your way to feeling better.

You can use this tapping script as a guide.  However, always change the statements to feel true to you specifically.  The more specific you are in your statements, the more you will get out of your EFT Tapping work.

Tap on each Tapping Point and make a statement on each, say:

I love myself but_________ (add the statement you made at the start) example, I failed;

_________ (repeat your statement) example, I failed;

I feel like a ___________________ (add your feeling) example failure;

Why can't I be/ have / do ______________ (insert your statement) example successful;

I want to feel ____________ (how do you want to feel if you didn't have a 'but' at the end of the statement?)

But here I am, still feeling ____________________ (add your feeling) example like a failure;

I feel so _______________ (add feeling) ashamed;

What is stopping me from ________________ (add the part of the statement you want) example being successful;

I love myself but ______________ (add the statement you made at the start).

Now take a deep breath in and out.  Check your measurement on the Subjective Units of Distress Scale and again and see where you measure now.  If you are not yet at a zero on the scale then keep tapping, starting with the Karate Chop point and setup statements.  

As you move down the scale, you will notice your statements organically becoming more positive.  For example, you may have felt like a failure at the start and as you move down the measurement scale your statements become more positive like I am able to accomplish this or be that.


MeTap - FastTrack Course to Living your Best Life with EFT;

ProTap - Enhance your Life with EFT;

KiddyTap - Teach your Kids to Thrive with EFT or 

FurTap - EFT for Pets.




Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

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