EFT Tapping for Core Beliefs

In my last couple of blog posts I provided some tips and examples of how to get the best out of your EFT Tapping practice.  Just to recap:

  • In my first post Tapping on Relationships - Getting to the Heart of the Issue I provided an example of a way of asking questions about the issue you want to work on prior to tapping.  This method allows you to dig deeper and find the real, core reason or belief that is driving the issue you want to work on.

In this blog post I will go even further and deeper with a little tip on getting even more out of your EFT Tapping practice and subsequent results for healing and I provide a tapping script to work on this core belief of Not-Feeling-Good-Enough.


Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay 
Continuing on from the examples in the last couple of posts where the belief was Not-Feeling-Good-Enough.  

Click on the links to the posts above and read how we reduced an argument between a couple about the dishes being left unwashed and tidied to feeling Not-good-enough.  

Tapping on this belief is a great way of clearing the energy associated with it.  
However, here comes a little tip.  
This belief of Not-Feeling-Good-Enough has an energetic signature or vibration.  This energetic signature is associated with an emotion.  By determining the actual emotional vibration signature of this belief, we take a step even deeper into the core of the issue and the belief.  
Now here is where things become even more interesting.  
The feeling associated with Not-Feeling-Good-Enough will be different for everyone.  It may even be a combination of emotions.  Therefore, by learning what your specific emotional experience is of Not-Feeling-Good-Enough, you can work even deeper energetically to clear these emotional blocks and thus clear the negative Core Belief. 

Find the Feeling

Image by Alexandra Haynak from Pixabay 
The first step is to feel your way through.  Determine what your belief feels like to you!  

There are many different studies and theories on emotion categories and I will leave it for you to decide which list fits well with you.  However, for the purposes of this exercise I will provide a list of negative emotions below [Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks (ISBN 978-1-4019-0459-3)].  Read through your emotion list and decide what your specific belief feels like, for example:

For the example of Not-Feeling-Good-Enough, Unworthiness is an emotion that fits well here for me personally.  You may feel another emotion more fitting and that is perfect for you specifically.

Tapping Script / Example

Take a measurement of this emotion to check your SUDS level from 0-10.

Tap on the KC point and say:  

Even though I feel unworthy, I accept where I am in my journey and I love myself anyway;

Even though I believe I am not good enough and undeserving, I love and accept myself completely;

Even though this feeling of unworthiness is causing problems at surface level in my life, I am grateful that I have got to the cause of the problem and I appreciate this knowledge.

Tap on each point in the tapping sequence whilst making a statement describing your particular experience.  Below are some examples to help you out:

I am an 8 on the measurement scale;

I feel so unworthy;

This feeling of unworthiness is playing havoc in my life at surface level;

I have have been stuck in this belief of feeling Not Good Enough for so long that I know no different life without it;

Is there a better way, is there more joy for me without this feeling of unworthiness?!

This feeling must have started very young as it seems to be so ingrain in my life and who I am as a person;

I even see myself as this person who is unworthy;

The way I look, dress, eat, talk, think, engage with others;

I can see traces of this feeling in all aspect of my life;

This feeling of unworthiness has become part of my identity;

I have been this person for so long living with this feeling;

No wonder there are things in my life that I attract that I dislike;

It is clear now why my environment mirror what I feel and believe about myself;

I wonder where this started for me?

I wonder what it would be like if I didn't feel this way?

I wonder what it would feel like to feel worthy!

Take a deep breath in and out while taking breaks between tapping rounds.  Check in again on your measurement scale and enjoy the progress you have made so far as you move down the measurement scale.  Continue tapping starting with your setup then your tapping sequence until you reach a zero on the measurement scale.

When you are done, sit back, take a deep breath in and appreciate how far you have come from start to finish. 

Want to learn Emotional Freedom Techniques?

If you are unfamiliar with EFT and would like to learn tapping for yourself, try my free online course MeTap - FastTrack Course to Living your Best Life with EFT.

Alternatively, learn more advanced or specialized EFT skills by checking out the below courses:

Stay in Touch

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

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