Tapping out illness

The universe never fails to send me new content to blog about.  This week, I am woman down. Jip, I have a terrible cold.  

Image by silviarita from Pixabay
I haven't had much sleep over the past few days and I am exhausted.  My nose felt so stuffy and I have felt terrible to say the least.  The only thing I wanted to do was sleep but as a busy mom-preneur, my to do list is endless so I needed to attempt self-care that was going to give me quick results and fast relief.

So into my toolkit I go and of course, at the very top is my trusty tapping tools and some much needed cold and flu medication.  I have never tried tapping on a cold but I thought desperate measures and experimentation abound, let's see what happens.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 
At this point I was lying in bed, literally unable to muster the energy to sit up.  I checked my SUDS measure of how ill I felt and at that point I was a 10.  I was miserable!  I started tapping on the symptoms and how I felt and as I went through my tapping rounds, some very interested revelations came out of it.  These revelations took me into the emotions hiding behind all these symptoms which made me wonder if these hidden emotions reduced my immune system as I haven't taken good care of myself the past few weeks.  My measurement level went form 10 to 6 at this point and I continued tapping, eager to see what else could be revealed to me that were related to these symptoms.  As the layers of contributing hidden factors to these symptoms of a cold peeled away with every tapping round I could feel my energy and vitality returning.  My measurement level moved to 3 and then zero and as I completed my EFT session I was left with a knowing that I wouldn't have been able to piece together before as I was wallowing in feeling ill.  Just like every season has a different phase, so am I coming out of my winter season.  I am literally shedding all the negative and the old beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviors that don't serve me anymore.  It is like peeling the layers of old and negative of an onion in order to get to the fresh and new that is revealed when those layers are gone.  This allows me to enter into my new spring season phase with a fresh new look and perspective.  

Image by engin akyurt from Pixabay 
Rather deep don't you think?  Sometimes deep diving into the unknown is very necessary so one can emerge from deep waters with new appreciation.  Such deep work is definitely not what one would expect when trying to tap out an illness and it's related symptoms.  As if this new broader perspective wasn't enough, I also felt relief from the symptoms I was experiencing.  Of course, I still had a cold and felt ill but I felt a surge of energy that I definitely didn't have an half an hour before.  I was able to get up and create new improve content for my online EFT courses.  Furthermore, I feel like my symptoms are improving very quickly.  My cold started a few days ago and this is day 3 (I did EFT tapping yesterday on the systems as described above) and already my nose and head feel clearer, I have more energy than I did yesterday and I am very sure by the end of the week my symptoms would be gone completely.  Usually for me a bad cold could linger for a week or more.  I would definitely recommend trying EFT on your symptoms.  Take a perspective of an experiment if you wish and see what happens, taking note of any revelations that might come to you.

Tapping Script / Example for Illness

To help you along, I will share with you an example of the wording that I used myself for my cold.  This is not an exact sequence but lines of wording as examples that you can use as a script when you have an illness and symptoms you would like to work on.  Always make sure that you tailor the wording to match your own experience and dialogue that is natural to you.  Make your wording as particular to you and your situation in order to get the best results from EFT.

Setting up Phase / Phrase

Tap on the KC point and say 3 statements that describe your situation authentically

Even though I am a 10 on the scale and I feel awful, I love my body for showing evidence of fighting off infection and disease;

Even though I am so tired and unable to function right now, I respect my bodies defenses in forcing me to slow down and take care of myself to heal;

Even though I don't know how I am going to get through the day and get to my to do list, I love and respect myself completely;

Even though there are some emotions sitting behind these symptoms that are surprising to me, I acknowledge these emotions and appreciate what has been revealed to me.

Tapping Sequence

Tap on each Acupoint and make a statement that describes your situation authentically

I am feeling so ill;

I don't know how I am going to get through this day;

My nose is so blocked and stuffy I can hardly breath;

My nose is so sore from blowing my nose constantly;

I am exhausted;

I am so tired but I just can't seem to sleep;

I want to stay in bed all day long and shut myself off from everything and everyone;

Damn, I have so much to get done, I don't have time to get sick;

I acknowledge that I haven't taken much time for self-care lately;

I am emotionally, physically and spiritually drained;

I think my body is forcing me to stop and smell the roses for a little while;

Forcing me to stop and take the time to heal;

I realize that my physical symptoms could be a result of other factors that I have ignored for a while;

Now my body is taking control and forcing me to face the music;

It is strange and beautiful how energy works;

When I ignore the subtle feedback my body, mind and soul often communicates to me, my body has a way of escalating the message so I am forced to hear and listen;

I have recently realised that I have been going through a process mentally, physically and spiritually of releasing;

I have been slowly releasing all the negative energy and stuff that just don't serve my highest good anymore;

This process makes me think of the seasons where autumn sheds dead leaves and all the things that needs to be regenerated and renewed;

Winter serves as this final culling of the old, negative and unnecessary so that we are able to start anew in spring;

In spring we get to blossom, grow and start anew with a positive outlook, a second chance if you will;

I feel like negative energies and the old stuff I have been dragging around with me for so long is now being peeled away, layer by layer like and onion;

I think that apart of this peeling away and getting rid of, is what my body is doing with any disease, infection or germs that have been lingering in my body;

These germs that have been lingering in my body is now being forced out of my system;

I am starting to feel a bit more energized and clear headed;

I feel like there is some forward movement physically, mentally and/or spiritually;

I admire my body's natural ability to renew itself constantly;

I appreciate that I have a moment to rest even though I had to be forced to do so;

I understand that I need to take better care of myself and be more attuned to my bodily signals;

Sometimes the strive to be perfect is so damaging;

Often the effort it takes to get to an un-achievable goal of perfection is damaging to the mind, body and soul;

Maybe it is ok to be vulnerable;

Maybe asking for help is easier than trying to keep all the balls up in the air by myself;

I am grateful that I have the opportunity now to reflect on these things;

I feel ill but I am pleased that I have the awareness now of the causes of my symptoms.

I trust that sharing these examples with you will help you on your own journey to wellness and self-awareness.

Want to learn EFT?

If you are unfamiliar with EFT and would like to learn tapping for yourself, try my free online course MeTap - FastTrack Course to Living your Best Life with EFT.

Alternatively, learn more advanced or specialized EFT skills by checking out the below courses:

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