Past Picture Perfect

You know how Facebook tend to send you memory stories?  You know, this time last year you posted this picture or this time 2 years ago you were doing this and that?  Well this week I received a memory notification of this time 9 years ago...

Image by rawpixel from Pixabay 
This week marks my 9th year wedding anniversary and up comes a wonderful pic of us on our honeymoon.  If I have to say so myself, I looked fantastic!  The girls were sitting where they were meant to sit, there weren't much that jiggled and the sun provided a lovely sun kissed tan to complete the picture.  After all, it was a great time in my life and weddings of course are all about celebration and joy.  Our wedding was the most amazing wedding in our experience, EVER (I think we all say that).  So in the spirit of celebrating our anniversary, I posted the memory on my timeline as you do.

However as I reflect on that picture, I realize how much my body has changed in the past 9 years.  That post-baby-body-bounce-back that woman experience skipped me completely.  My post-baby-body took me on an interesting journey and here I was faced with the then and now.  The reality of the now next to the picture of then, made me realize that there were some more work to be done on this journey of making friends with my new body.  What a great opportunity for using EFT to resolve this feeling.

Your story might have different details to my own story and yet most of us have pictures of ourselves in the past that we love that don't resemble what we look like now.  This exercise will help you resolve some feelings surrounding this experience.

You can have the picture in front of you or just recall the details if you like.  Identify the feeling and give it an intensity.  I have identified shame for this example and have a 6 on the measurement scale.  Remember to identify your own personal feeling and rate it on the scale.  Also, the example below serves as a script or guide and the best results are always using your own words.

Setup Phrase:
Tap on

Even though I feel shame, I love and accept myself;
Even though I am a 6 on the measurement scale, I completely accept myself;
Even though I look so different and that bothers me, I love and accept myself completely.

Tapping Sequence:
Tap on:
TOH:  I feel shame;
EB:  I look and feel so different now;
SE:  I wish I could look like that again;
UE:  I wish I appreciated how I looked back then;
UN:  I am a 6 on the measurement scale;
CH:  Everything about my body and even my face is different;
CB:  Is that person on that picture even still in here;
UA:  I feel so ashamed.

Take a deep breath in and out and take another measure on the scale.  Repeat the process until you reach a zero on the SUDS measurement scale.

Follow me on Instagram @thewell_beinginstitute
Learn EFT free at The Well-Being Institute

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