The Soul is Covered by a Thousand Veils

'The soul is covered by a thousand veils' - Hazrat Inayat Khan

Image by danloges from Pixabay 
This statement made me reflect on a few things this week so I thought I would unpack what this means to me, that may also resonate with you.

We are born into the world with a vibrant pure soul that see the truth of what IS, of life and of what we are here for.  Our true selves.  As we experience life or as we go through experiences in life that transform us we add a veil over the soul.  This veil becomes a filter from which we view the world.  Each experience, teaching, socialization adds a new veil over the veils that have come before.  This further defines the filters from which we view ourselves, others and the world and blurs out any content that aren't sustained or supported by the veils that have been put in place.

In order to get back to who we really are, the pure souls that entered the world.  We need to start the process of removing these veils that don't serve us and thus the filters we live our lives by.  In order to start removing these veils we need to:

  • firstly recognize that a veil is present that no longer serve your best interest;
  • secondly become more mindful and recognize where these veils are causing dis-ease, disturbance or discomfort in your life.   These may take the form of memories, experiences and situations that don't feel good and may keep occurring.  A story that keeps playing out in your life in different settings.   


Image by Johann Bret Bautista from Pixabay 
This experience happened to me this weekend.  I had a chat to an old friend of mine that I rarely get to see.  As we rehashed our teenage years I noticed that at certain points my body started reacting like a robot with an error glitch.  Like my body trying to break open and free from this metal robotic armor shell and yet at the same time my body trying fiercely to keep this armor in place.  I realized that my body was clearly communicating to me that there was an issue here that needs my attention.  I realized that this was a point in my life that caused a veil to be added to my soul that caused my view of myself, my view of others and my view of the world to change.  This would have been a way to protect myself as a teenager and it no longer serves my best self. 


I knew I needed to go to tapping to work on removing the robotic armor and thus the veil that was collected during this teenage life experience.  As the visual aspect of the glitchy robot was so precise on describing the bodily sensations I experienced, I went on to use The Character Technique (check out the full technique and how to do it in my online EFT Tapping training courses - Links Below).  In this technique I use the character of the robot to represent my SUDS measurement.

Connecting to the Character

Before tapping I sit in a quiet space where I won't be disturbed for some time and I take myself back to that moment.  The moment where I felt the uncomfortable sensations of the robot with an error glitch.  I remember what the content was of the conversation and then I try and analyse what aspects of the conversation had the effect of the robot armor trying to break free of my body.  So I would test out different aspects of the conversation and notice in my minds eye what effect this has on the metal robot armor on my body in order to pin point the specific wording or situation that awakened my attention to the robot armor in the first place.

Bring the Character to Life

To bring the Character to Life, I focus on my senses.  

Touch:  I notice what that metal robot armor felt like on my skin and where the metal reached.  In this case I noticed that the metal was my skin and that it was concentrated on the entire left side of my body.  I noticed how rigid and stiff my body felt with this metal armor and how restricting movements were.  

Sound:  I listen to the sounds of the metal scraping against metal as I move and I notice the subtle sounds of the metal resisting movement as my body is trying to break free from the armor.

Taste:  I notice the tastes in my mouth and what the metal might taste like.

Smell:  I notice a metallic smell and a smell of sparks as the scraping metal create friction and the robotic electronic errors create sparks.

See:  I notice what my visual field is like, what do I see when I look down.  My arms look tight and restricted in the metal casing and my surroundings look red like I might be stuck in Mars perhaps. 

Tap on the Issue

Now that you have a great visual representation of the issue you are working on, start tapping, using the character as your focus to represent the issue you are working on.   

Even though you are focusing on the character, noticing any changes to the character while tapping and talking about it out loud or in your mind, you may also get some insights about the issue that you didn't have access before.  Take note of these and incorporate these into your tapping all the while noticing how each revelation might reflect in terms of changes to your character.

The initial tapping round would look something like this:

Tap on the Karate Chop point and say:

Even though I feel like a robot, I love that I was able to notice this and appreciate the opportunity to be able to work on resolving this for myself;

Even though I notice a metallic taste and smell to my character (feel free to name your character for example, I am calling this robot TED) and I wonder if this represents something specific to this issue I am working on, I love and accept myself completely;

Even though it sounds like my robot armor is trying to crack and bust open, I am proud of myself for being brave and allowing this busting open process to go ahead.

Tap on each Acupoint in the sequence and make a statement about the character for example:

I feel like each movement on my body is so restricted and stiff;

Even the corner of my mouth is pulling like a robot with an error glitch;

My body feels ready to let all of this go and break out of this armor;

I feel like I have a bit more movement to my body;

I notice that I am able to shake off the armor now;

As I am shaking off the armor I feel lighter and free from restriction;

My arms feel like wings and my robot turn into a phoenix rising from the ashes;

This is really interesting and uplifting;

I watch this phoenix flying up in the sky;

And like a dragon breathing fire;

It sends flames out to burn away all and everything that no longer serves;

All and everything that is associated with this issue I am tapping on is now turned to ashes;

Never to return to me again;

The phoenix returns to me again and I notice that the left part of me that was covered by robot armor;

Slowly ages from my teenage self, to my current age;

And somehow I feel different, lighter, free.

The above is an example from my own actual tapping imagery and wording with imagery and symbolism that speaks to me personally.  Your own visual representation may have elements that are similar or completely different.  Furthermore, I provide 2 rounds of the tapping sequence to demonstrate the unfolding of The Character Technique.  In reality, this process would be a bit or much longer and the changes are likely to be more subtle at first.  

I would also like to add that this process felt fantastic to me and was a massive breakthrough for me personally.  Sometimes and rarely people have massive changes from one time EFT Tapping sessions but it is far more likely that I will need to return to this issue a few more times seeing as it had such concrete imagery and symptoms that gathered a long time ago.  So if this is you, please give yourself some time.  You have had a lifetime to collect all the veils you are currently sporting and it will take some time and gradual adjustment to remove these.

Want to learn Emotional Freedom Techniques?

If you are unfamiliar with EFT and would like to learn tapping for yourself, try my free online course MeTap - FastTrack Course to Living your Best Life with EFT.

Alternatively, learn more advanced or specialized EFT skills by checking out the below courses:

Stay in Touch

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

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