Is that bad feeling out yet?

This past week was such a great example and opportunity to practice and model self care and reinforce KiddyTap with my little one.

Let me tell you a little story...
(Meet our Tapping Bear, Ted)

I cry during movies...jip, guilty as charged and much to my son's amazement, during animation movies as well.  This occasion was no different.  I watched a movie and due to being a very emphatic person, something in the movie sparked something within and I was in tears.  On this occasion it sparked an emotion in me that was bubbling under the surface for a long time and needed to be addressed.

So I started tapping on the emotion, which opened up some more information on where the emotion stems from and so on.  As I am tapping my son comes into the room.  He looks at me with concern and the conversation that follows is priceless:

Son: 'Mommy what's on your face?'
Me:  'They are tears my love?'
Son:  'What is wrong?'
Me:  'I watched a movie that made me upset.'
Son:  'Mommy I think you're not old enough to watch that movie, maybe you should wait until you are, hmmmm a hundred years old before watching bad movies that makes you upset.'
Me: (breaking out laughing at his absolute genius response), I reply:   'I think you are right my boy'.
Son: 'Why are you doing that (tapping)?'
Me:  'I am trying to get the upset out of my body, all the bad feelings that is making me cry.'

I continue tapping, thinking that it is a great opportunity to teach and reinforce self care and energy healing for my son while I help myself feel better.  As he watches me tap on my meridian points, he gives a little comment every now and again as encouragement:

'yes mommy, now under the arm'
'very good mommy, you're doing so well'
'is the bad feeling out of your body yet?'

After a short while, he disappears into the other room and comes back and pops our tapping bear on my lap.  He says: 'here you go mommy, tap on Teddy, it really helps'.

What a proud mommy moment.  It is so important to me that my son is able to practice self soothing and self care in order to care for his emotional needs.  With EFT I believe he has an amazing set of tools at his disposal to navigate the highs and lows of growing up that can be used for all aspects of his life.

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