EFT Tapping on Burnout

People are being pushed to the max at the moment.  Keeping all the proverbial balls in the air is taking it's toll with little reprieve in sight it seems from this epidemic and the adjustments we have had to make and continue to make during this time.  It is no wonder that so many people are feeling the effects of burnout.  

Image by moritz320 from Pixabay

According to Schoen Clinic, the most common symptoms of burnout include:

  • Exhaustion
  • Lack of energy
  • Constant fatigue
  • Sleep disorders
  • Reduced performance
  • Concentration and memory problems
  • Inability to make decisions
  • Reduced initiative and imagination.
Becoming more aware of stress levels and actively taking steps in managing and reducing stress levels are essential steps in preventing burnout or reducing the effects of burnout. 

EFT Tapping Script for Burnout

Situation:  Identify the situation that has caused you to feel burnout.

Feeling:  Identify the feeling associated with burnout.  For some, this feeling may feel powerless or unmotivated and for others, it may be a completely different feeling.

Measure:  Take a measure of the feeling intensity on a scale from 0 - 10.

Tap on the Karate Chop Point and say:

Even though I feel exhausted even when I wake up in the morning, I love and accept myself;

Even though I feel like I have a shorter fuse lately, I completely and utterly love and accept myself;

Even though I lack motivation to keep going, I love and honour myself completely.

Tap on each Acupoint and say:

I feel so tired;

I feel like a hamster on a wheel;

Running and running and running;

Getting nowhere;

I am so frustrated;

It feels like there is no escape;

When I think I have solved on a problem;

Another problem appears;

When I think I am taking a step forward;

I take a step back;

I feel so stressed all the time;

I don't sleep so well;

Oh I wish I could just immediately fall asleep;

Even when I have slept well I wake up tired;

Sometimes it feels like I never slept at all;

I am so tired of being in the rat race;

I feel like I have lost interest in all things;

Where is the eject button;

That will send me to my ideal place of relaxation instantly;

I feel so drained;

I need to be 'ON' all the time;

There are just too many hats I need to wear;

Too many roles I need to play;

It is exhausting;

It is stressful.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed with your situation or emotions, please ensure you reach out to a professional for help.  

 Want to learn Emotional Freedom Techniques?

If you are unfamiliar with EFT and would like to learn tapping for yourself, try my beginner online course MeTap - FastTrack Course to Living your Best Life with EFT.

Alternatively, learn more advanced or specialized EFT skills by checking out the below courses:

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Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash
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