Covid-19 EFT Tapping For Kids

These are crazy times.  Most countries have now instilled some form of lockdown requiring only essential staff to continue on providing medical assistance and supply resources such as food.  Heaven knows they are doing an amazing job.

Image by Viktor Ivanchenko from Pixabay 
We have all had our ups and downs emotionally, goodness knows I have.  However, sometimes we forget that our little ones have been stuck at home during the lockdown as well and their lives have completely changed.  With that comes changes in behaviour and emotional fluctuations.

Our little family have needed to navigate the demands of everyday life, work, 
Covid-Schooling and keeping healthy and it takes its toll at times.  It has also created really amazing opportunities to connect, think out of the box and be creative.  I have seen my son experiencing his own ups and downs as we navigate this new reality together.  Furthermore, it is difficult to go through their little transitions in isolation.  He's due to lose his next baby tooth and even though the tooth fairy will come and visit, there is nowhere to go and enjoy or order in any toy (we can only buy essentials in stores or online so no toys).  Furthermore, he has his birthday soon and gone are the talks of enjoying a birthday party with friends and family or even receiving a present.  Of course in the great scheme of things toys don't matter and it is the time spent but these are things that separate the everyday grind with spurts of joy.  There is just nothing like seeing your child filled with absolute joy.  

Then there come the challenges around schooling.  My child only started big school in January and we only just started to become acclimatized to the big change and transition in his life.  However, I have always had homeschooling at the back of my mind, envisioning a smooth integration with a very eager learner...that has not been the case!  But we persevere...with a lot of tapping!

I am sure each parent reading this post has had similar shared experiences and also their own unique set of obstacles to tackle head-on.

EFT Tapping Script for Young Children To Cope During Lockdown

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay 
In this post, I provide an EFT Tapping script for our little ones that may be struggling to navigate this new reality.  The below tapping script will contain general content so that it may apply to most.  However, feel free to use this script as inspiration and adapt it to be as specific as possible to what your family and especially your children might be going through right now.

Tap on the KC Point and say:

Even though there is this virus that makes a lot of people sick, I am a good kid;

Even though we have been at home for a very long time now, I love myself completely;

Even though I don't like doing school work and just want to play, I am loved.

Tap on the EFT Acupoints from Top of Head to Underarm and say:

It is strange to be at home all the time;

I like being with my family but my parents have to work also;

I want all of their attention all day long;

But they can't spend all day with me and it makes me sad;

I wish they didn't have to work so much so that we have all day to play;

I don't like doing homework and schoolwork;

It is boring;
I don't like it when I have to do work I don't want to do;

Mommy sais I need to do the work as I am smart and my brain needs to learn new things so I know what subjects I like;

But I don't want to;

I loved the time when we spent all day long just being together with no distractions;

I am losing my next baby tooth soon;

I wonder if the tooth fairy will come;

What if the tooth fairy is also in lockdown;

Even if the tooth fairy visits I can't buy anything;

I miss my friends and going on play dates;

I loved meeting up with my friends after school and having a play date;

I wish I could see my friends again and not only on video;

It is strange being at home all day long;

We haven't left the house for over 5 weeks now;

It would be so nice to go play bowling or golf;

It is my birthday soon and I won't be able to invite my friends;

I don't know that I will get a present as we can't buy any toys at the moment;

It is just not fair;

Sometimes I feel scared when I don't feel so good;

What if I get the virus and get very sick;

I don't want my mommy and daddy to get sick;

It is very scary to have to wear face masks and stay away from everyone;

I am enjoying staying at home though and not going to school;

I like trying new things like doing PT / PE on YouTube or doing different experiments;

There is a lot of change and sometimes my mommy and daddy feel scared too.

Want to learn Emotional Freedom Techniques?

If you are unfamiliar with EFT and would like to learn tapping for yourself, try my beginner online course MeTap - FastTrack Course to Living your Best Life with EFT.

Alternatively, learn more advanced or specialized EFT skills by checking out the below courses:

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Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

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