So this happened...

So this weekend we went for a late lunch at my friend’s home.  My friend's kids and my son are like cousins and they play so well together so it is so fun for us to visit and catch up while the kids have a fun too.

Well the kids were upstairs playing and they went to wash their hands before dinner.  However unbeknownst to us the upstairs bathroom door handle don't always work.  After about 15 minutes we hear a big bang and went to investigate.  The kids were stuck in the bathroom and tried everything to get our attention.  

They tried screaming but we didn't hear.  Finally they started banging on the door really hard and we heard.

My son was upset at being stuck in the bathroom and I consoled him but he quickly moved on and went playing again as he does.

The fear remains...
The next morning he was still very upset about being stuck in the bathroom and actually expressed that he was very scared and that he would rather not want to go there again and they must rather come to us.  

Let's do some tapping...
I suggested we do some EFT to calm his fears and help him move passed this issue and experience.  After asking permission, I started tapping on him directly while he was watching his show on the Ipad.  He would only allow 1 round and we stopped there for a moment to see if we needed any more EFT.  

10 minutes after he expressed again that his brain keeps thinking back to the experience being trapped in the bathroom (he is only 5 years old).  So I decided to tap on myself and act as a proxy in view of him so that I use myself to tap on his issue so that we both get borrowed benefits (I benefit from tapping on myself on his issue and he benefits by seeing me tap on myself on his issue).

So I checked myself on the measurement scale and felt he was a 6 on the scale from 0 - 10 (10 being the highest and 0 being no emotional attachment to the issue at all).  I started tapping on the KC point and said for example:

Even though, he was so scared being locked in the bathroom, he loves and accepts himself;
Even though, he is now a 6 on the scale, he completely accepts himself;
Even though, he shouted and screamed and no one came, he is perfect in every way.

I then followed with 2 rounds of tapping from Top of Head point to Underarm point before testing again.  I intuitively felt that my son was now a 3 on the scale.  

I started on the KC point again as follows:

Even though he is now a 3 on the scale, he accepts himself completely;
Even though he is still scared and don't ever want to go back there, he loves and accepts himself;
Even though that was so scary to be locked in the bathroom, he is such a brave boy.

I continued another 2 rounds of tapping from Top of Head point to Underarm point before testing again.  I intuitively felt a zero on the scale.  

I completed the session with a couple of rounds positive tapping.

I left it at that and monitored him for the rest of the day.  He didn't mention the experience all day long and he was his normal cheerful, happy self again.

If you'd like to learn how to use EFT with your kids - have a look at my course for parents, teachers and guardians wanting to use EFT with their kids:

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